It has been a long grueling few months for many freelancers who write for If you have followed the on-going eHow gossip, that has appeared to spread like wild fire across the world wide web, then you have probably already heard the uproar surrounding the launch of the ehow UK site and the rapid decline in US writer's online earnings.
The eHow's forums have been bogged down with threads surrounding this beta expansion and writer's have made their concerns known, and hard to ignore. For awhile it appeared that those concerns would be swept under the rug but just when things started to get hairy eHow appears to have stepped up and is making an attempt to right their wrong.
In a public appearance, made in the way of a video blog that was released today, to the eHow community - eHow has acknowledged that their members compensation did (as claimed by writers) suffer with the UK release and that they have intentions of making things right by compensating their dedicated freelance writer's. This, to many affected writer's, is a small victory and a step in the right direction for eHow and its reputation. With the exception of a few of the sites freelance writer's - who appear unappeasable - this acknowledgement and promise has started the much needed mending process.
This move in the right direction will not replace the trust that has been lost or damaged in the process and freelance writer's will continue to be leery of future deception but the urge to write and earn has again been revived in many. Yes eHow - we are watching you ;-)
So, in conclusion, as a member and freelance writer, I'd like to send out a special thank you to eHow for finally listening and stepping up to the plate! I hope this truly brings an end to the frustration and is an acceptable fix for all involved.
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